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iubenda blocking new purchase gtm event

hello when the iubenda plugin and consent mode v2 is active it is actually blocking in wordpress woocommerce the new "purchase" event that gtm4wp plugin is firing. how we can solve this ?

  • the policy is relative to the website:

    1 person likes this
  • How can I resolve the issue of iubenda's Consent Mode v2 blocking the 'purchase' event fired by the GTM4WP plugin in a WordPress WooCommerce site?

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  • Review the settings of the Iubenda plugin and Consent Mode v2 to ensure that they are configured correctly. Look for any options related to event tracking or blocking and make sure they are set up as desired.

     Verify the configuration of the GTM4WP plugin, especially regarding event tracking and data layer variables. Ensure that the "purchase" event is configured properly and that any necessary data layer variables are being populated correctly.

  • How can I resolve the issue of iubenda's Consent Mode v2 blocking the 'purchase' event fired by the GTM4WP plugin on a WordPress WooCommerce site ?

  • Hi,

    thank you for reaching out to us.

    We believe that this article may solve your issue with the "purchase" event not being fired.

    Hope this helps