React - Cookie Banner - Scripts not activated by when consent found
I'm working on the integration of the Cookie Banner in a React app.
This is the configuration:
{ askConsentAtCookiePolicyUpdate: true, countryDetection: true, enableFadp: true, enableLgpd: true, enableUspr: true, lgpdAppliesGlobally: false, perPurposeConsent: true, siteId: 'theid', whitelabel: false, cookiePolicyId: 'theid', lang: 'thelang', cookiePolicyUrl: 'theurl', privacyPolicyUrl: 'theurl', privacyPolicyNoticeAtCollectionUrl: 'theurl', forceSafeActivation: true, logLevel: 'debug', banner: { acceptButtonCaptionColor: '#000000', acceptButtonColor: '#FFFFFF', acceptButtonDisplay: true, closeButtonDisplay: false, customizeButtonDisplay: true, explicitWithdrawal: true, listPurposes: true, position: 'float-bottom-right', rejectButtonCaptionColor: '#FFFFFF', rejectButtonColor: '#000000', rejectButtonDisplay: true, showTitle: false, }, }
When the page loads Iubenda's code blocks every script even if the consent has been given and it doesn't activate them back anymore.
What are the possibile causes and solutions?
By the way, these are the scripts I'm loading:
Hi Antonio,
Could you please try adding the "purposes":"1,2,3,4,5" to the script of the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution?
You can learn more about this here:
Should you require further assistance, please let us know.