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Set Per-category consent enabled by default

By default, only Strictly necessary purpose item is enabled. Is it possible to set all items to be enabled (as in the attached image)?

(56.6 KB)
  • Is it possible to add the "Accept All" button next to the "Accept" and "Reject" buttons in the banner (as in the attached image)?

  • Iubenda's answer: It is required by the law that only strictly necessary cookies are enabled by default and that is is up to the user to select which category to give consent to. This happens when the user accesses the preferences modal.

    When clicking the "accept" button on the banner(on the first layer), all categories will be automatically enabled. 

  • Thanks Bzidar

  • Nice

  • Yes, it is possible to enable all items by default instead of just the "Strictly necessary" purpose in the Iubenda banner. To do this, you would need to modify the settings in your Iubenda account or the configuration of the banner. To enable all items, including the non-essential purposes, you may have to access the settings or customization options of the Iubenda banner on your website or application. 

    Depending on the specific implementation and version of Iubenda you are using, the steps to enable all items may vary. As for adding an "Accept All" button next to the "Accept" and "Reject" buttons in the banner, this customization might also be possible through the Iubenda configuration. Again, you would need to check the customization options provided by Iubenda or consult their documentation for how to achieve this.

  • This information is very beneficial  for me. Thanks Bzidar,

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