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Problem with iubenda's support

Dear all!

When my colleague clicks onto "contact support" on the iubenda webpage, then a "help center" pops up. But when I click onto "contact support", I only start the creation of a new email to info-at-iubenda-dot-com?! I tried this with two different browsers (Firefox and Edge under Win10).
Needless to say that I only received an automated standard answer to my eMail...

Any ideas/hints/...?

Thanks and regards,

  • Sapere cosa sto urilizzando e pagando Avendo un sito web è un app per iOS e Android
  • Hi!
    My colleague and I are in the same team here on iubenda. We can see the same three "projects" on the "Dashboard" (webpages, apps, ...) - one marked as "ultra", one marked as "pro" and the other one marked as "Resume the generation". And I seriously doubt that the type of the "project" has got any impact on the links on iubenda's webpage. That's because the "help center" is available for him before having selected any project.





  • i also have the same issue........

  •  Hi!

    In order to get the "help center" working, you'll have to:

    • allow javascript not only for, but also for several other websites, e.g.
    • allow pop-ups for etc. (<-- Note: this step is probably not needed!)
    • the most important step: click onto the lock-icon on the lower right of iubenda's webpage

      image and allow "Basic interactions & functionalities"! Otherwise the "help center" will not work!

    BTW: Don't be irritated: After all these changes, on mouse-over, your browser will still show the "mailto"-link in the lower left. You'll only notice the difference, when clicking onto "contact support"...

    Hope this helps,

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