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New language request: Portuguese (Portugal)

Hi there, I've noticed that Iubenda already supports Portuguese (Brazilian), but for Portuguese websites, we can't use that since it's pretty different than the true Portuguese language.

I'll be glad to purchase your service if you add Portuguese (Portugal).

Thank you

2 people have this question
  • Hello David and thank you for your addition!

    I would like to inform you that we prioritize new languages additions based on the number of upvotes. Therefore, the best way to make it happen sooner is to upvote this request and make other interested users do the same, so we can move the request to our roadmap. In the mean time, we allow using custom translations. You can drop us a line at if you need more information.

    Kind Regards,



    1 person likes this
  • 1 vote for Portuguese

  • Hello everyone!

    I'm happy to inform you that we have completed the addition of Portuguese to the languages supported by our generator. Please don't hesitate to contact us at if you need more information or assistance.

    Kind Regards,



  • Hi Mal,

    the addition of Portuguese to the languages supported by our generator has already been implemented. Should you however not see this option or run into any technical difficulties, we kindly ask you to write to our customer support team at

    Kind regards,



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