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Dmitry, thanks for the suggestion. Will add it to the list of future integrations. You could be part of the team, correct? Do you have any terms that require the user to use a privacy policy or anything of the sort? Best, Simon
  • Not sure what you're asking :( When user signs up for Uploadcare, he agrees to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. Signup page: Terms: Privacy Policy:
  • Ah thanks. I was wondering about this You represent and warrant that (i) your use of the Website will be in strict accordance with the Uploadcare Privacy Policy, with this Agreement and with all applicable laws and regulations (including without limitation any local laws or regulations in your country, state, city, or other governmental area, regarding online conduct and acceptable content, and including all applicable laws regarding the transmission of technical data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside) and (ii) your use of the Website will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party. Some services have a more verbose policy where they tell the user they must have and abide by a privacy policy. I was basically just trying to see whether you guys could place a link to the integration for your users :) In any case, I'll be working on an integration and let you know in here when we're done.
  • No we don't have this, as some of our customer are natural persons.
  • Hm ok, anyways I'll let you know when the integration is done, Dmitry. :)
  • Dmitry, I need to link to your privacy policy to finish the integration. I can't find that link? Can you help me out? Thank you!
  • Thanks. The integration should go online soon. Thanks for the patience.
  • Dmitry, Uploadcare is now accessible for you from the dashboard/edit privacy policy section of the site. Hope this helps, We appreciate a word or two in your documentation about the integration if you find a spot. Thanks Dmitry. Simon
  • Thanks, will do.
  • Simon, I have to say, that Uploadcare is more of IaaS or PaaS then Hosting provider. And as for Personal Data - we do not get or store ANY personal data from our customers users.
  • Hi again Dmitry, Thanks for the comments. Which exactly is your main gripe with it? The categorization? Let's dissect your comments one by one: I have to say, that Uploadcare is more of IaaS or PaaS then Hosting provider We understand that Uploadcare isn't a classic hosting provider. But if you take a look at what we define hosting to be, then it should pretty much fit that description. Do you disagree with this: These services have the purpose of hosting data and files that enable the Application to run and be distributed. (...) Also going through your request above, you suggest to file it under - Traffic optimization and distribution, Hosting or, Upload handling. We think it fits best in the category of providing file handling - hosting. Do you disagree with this statement? As to personal data: Our definition of personal data is Any information regarding a natural person, a legal person, an institution or an association, which is, or can be, identified, even indirectly, by reference to any other information, including a personal identification number. The definition is a very broad one on purpose. Mostly European legislations run a very broad definition. Therefore an IP address could potentially be personal data. Images, even more avatars and such can be personal information. But that's completely ok, that's why people should put it in a privacy notice as well. And that's what we're here for. Does this help or do you disagree with my assessment?
  • Please add to supported services. Suggested categories: - Traffic optimization and distribution - Hosting - Upload handling
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